Meethay Bol Mein Jadoo Hai Urdu Book by Dale Carnegie

Best Urdu book about self development  is "Meethay Bol Mein Jadu Hai". Meethay Bol Mein Jadoo Hai is the Urdu translation of one of Dale Carnegie book. Dale Carnegie was the most selling author of his times. Many of his books are translated into countless languages of the world. This book is also translated into Urdu language. Dale Carnegie is still alive because of his useful urdu books about business, advancement and self development.

The title name of this Urdu book "Meethay Bol Me Jadoo Hai" is all about the art of speaking. In this motivational book he has given many tips about personality development. You will also learn how to increase your friends and how to make people think like yourself. This is a very useful and best Urdu book for every one. Meethay Bol Mein Jadoo Hai Urdu Motivational Book by Dale Carnegie PDF Free Download.
