Hasan Angelina Novel By Abdul Haleem Sharar PDF Free Download

Abdul Halim Sharar was an Indian author, playwright, essayist and historian from Lucknow. He left behind hundred and two books. He often wrote about the Islamic past and extolled virtues like courage, bravery, magnanimity and religious fervour. Malikul Azia Varjina, Firdaus-e-Bareen, Zawal-e-Baghdad, Husn ka Daku, Darbar-e-Harampur and Fateh Maftuh are some of his famous novels.

His book Guzishta Lucknow is still considered as one of the best narrative describing the genesis of the city and its culture of Lucknow.

Hasan Angelina Urdu Tareekhi Novel By Abdul Haleem Sharar PDF Free Download.
